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Thursday, May 1, 2008

Myspaceinfo2u - Contents Of Myspace

Moods are small ones which are used to describe a state of mind that the user is located feature was added in July 2007.

Blurbs, blogs, multimedia
Profiles contain two standard "blurbs:" About Me "and" Who I'd Like to meet "sections. Profiles also contain an "interest" and a "Details". In the "Details", "Status" and "zodiac sign" fields always display. However, fields in these sections will not be displayed if members do not meet the thumbs profiles also contain a blog with content areas, emotion and media. MySpace also supports the downloading of images. One of the images may be chosen to be the "default image," the image that will be seen on the profile of the home page, search page, and the image that will appear alongside the name of user comments, messages, etc.. Flash, like MySpace's video service can be integrated. Blogging characteristics were part of MySpace since 1999.

Below, the user friends of space (by default) is the "Observations", in which the user's friends May leave comments for all viewers to read. MySpace users can delete any comment and / or to require that all comments must be approved before posting. If a user account is deleted, all comments left on other profiles by this user will be deleted and replaced by the commentary saying, "This profile no longer exists."

Profile personalization
MySpace allows users to customize their user profile by entering HTML pages (but not JavaScript) in areas such as "About Me", "I'd Like to meet," and "interest". Videos and flash-based content can be included in this way. Users can also add music to their profile through MySpace Music pages, a service that allows bands post for the use of songs on MySpace.
A user can also change the general appearance of their page by entering CSS (in a ... element) in one of these areas to override page stylesheet default using MySpace publishers. It is often used to change fonts and colors. The fact that the user added CSS is located in the middle of the page (rather than being located in the element) means that the page begins to load default layout MySpace before abruptly changing the custom layout. A type of change is a div superposition, where the default layout is changed dramatically by hiding default text with
labels and large images.
There are several independent Web sites offering MySpace layout utilities which let a user to select options and outline what their page will look like with them.
MySpace has recently added its own 'profile Customizer "on the site, allowing users to change their profile through MySpace. Using this feature CSS bypasses the loading time, as the MySpace code default is changed for the custom profile.

MySpace profiles for musicians are different from normal in the profiles that artists are allowed to send up to six MP3 songs. The uploader must have rights to use these songs (such as their own work, permission granted, etc.). Unsigned musicians can use the Internet to send and sell music using snocap, which s It is proved popular among users of MySpace.

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